c++ console color

To add color to a C++ console, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Include the necessary library


Step 2: Define the console handle HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

Step 3: Set the console color using SetConsoleTextAttribute function SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, colorCode);

Explanation for each step:

Step 1: Including the necessary library The library provides functions and constants for the Windows operating system, including the functions needed to manipulate the console. By including this library, we can use the required functions to change the console color.

Step 2: Defining the console handle The HANDLE data type represents a handle to an object, in this case, the console. GetStdHandle is a function that retrieves the handle for the standard output device, which is the console in this case. By storing this handle in the hConsole variable, we can use it to modify the console settings.

Step 3: Setting the console color using SetConsoleTextAttribute function The SetConsoleTextAttribute function is used to set the attributes of the console text, including the foreground and background colors. The hConsole variable, which holds the console handle, is passed as the first argument. The second argument, colorCode, is an integer value that represents the desired color. By calling this function, we can change the console color to the specified value.

Note: When using the SetConsoleTextAttribute function, the colorCode parameter is a combination of foreground and background color codes. You can set the colorCode value to a specific color by using the predefined constants provided by the Windows API, such as FOREGROUND_BLUE, FOREGROUND_GREEN, BACKGROUND_RED, etc. You can bitwise OR these constants together to create different color combinations.

Remember to reset the console color after you're done using it to avoid affecting subsequent console output. You can use the SetConsoleTextAttribute function again to set the color back to its default value.