how to install boost c++ on windows

To install the Boost C++ libraries on Windows, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Download Boost: Go to the Boost website ( and download the latest version of Boost. You can choose between precompiled binaries and source code. For ease of installation, it is recommended to download the precompiled binaries.

  2. Extract the Boost files: Once the download is complete, extract the Boost files to a directory of your choice. You can use a tool like 7-Zip or WinRAR to extract the files.

  3. Open the Command Prompt: Open the Command Prompt by pressing the Windows key + R, typing "cmd" in the Run dialog, and pressing Enter.

  4. Navigate to the Boost directory: Use the "cd" command to navigate to the directory where you extracted the Boost files. For example, if you extracted the files to "C:\boost_1_76_0", you would use the following command: cd C:\boost_1_76_0

  5. Build Boost: In the Command Prompt, run the following command to build Boost: bootstrap.bat

  6. Specify the libraries to install: Next, you need to specify the libraries you want to install. Run the following command to see a list of available libraries: b2 --show-libraries

Choose the libraries you want to install and run the following command to install them (replace <library> with the actual library name): b2 install --with-<library>

If you want to install all the libraries, you can omit the --with-<library> option.

  1. Set environment variables: After the installation is complete, you need to set the Boost environment variables. Open the Control Panel, go to System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.

In the "System variables" section, click on "New" to add a new variable. Set the variable name to BOOST_ROOT and the variable value to the path of the Boost directory (e.g., C:\boost_1_76_0).

  1. Test the installation: To test if the Boost installation was successful, create a new C++ file and include a Boost library header. For example: cpp #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>

If your program compiles and runs without any errors, then Boost is successfully installed.

That's it! You have now installed Boost C++ on Windows. Boost provides a wide range of powerful libraries that can enhance your C++ development. Let me know if you have any further questions.