http.begin arduino not working

To use the http.begin() function in Arduino with the ESP8266 or ESP32 boards, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary libraries: In your code, make sure to include the required libraries for HTTP requests. For example, if you are using the ESP8266 board, you would include the ESP8266WiFi.h and ESP8266HTTPClient.h libraries.

  2. Establish a Wi-Fi connection: Before making an HTTP request, you need to establish a Wi-Fi connection. Use the appropriate functions from the Wi-Fi library to connect to your network. For example, for the ESP8266 board, you can use WiFi.begin() to connect to a Wi-Fi network.

  3. Initialize the HTTP client: Create an instance of the HTTPClient class. This class provides methods to set the target URL, headers, request type, and payload for the HTTP request. For example, you can create an instance named http like this: HTTPClient http;.

  4. Set the target URL: Use the http.begin() function to set the target URL for the HTTP request. Pass the URL as a parameter to this function. For example, http.begin("");.

  5. Set additional headers (optional): If your HTTP request requires additional headers, you can set them using the http.addHeader() function. Pass the header name and value as parameters to this function. For example, http.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");.

  6. Send the HTTP request: Use the appropriate method from the HTTPClient class to send the HTTP request. For example, you can use http.GET() for a GET request or http.POST() for a POST request. If necessary, you can also send a payload with the request using the http.sendRequest() method.

  7. Handle the response: After sending the HTTP request, you can retrieve the response from the server. Use the appropriate methods from the HTTPClient class to get the response code, headers, and body. For example, you can use http.getResponseCode() to get the response code and http.getString() to get the response body.

  8. Close the connection: After you have finished handling the response, it is important to close the HTTP connection to release system resources. Use the http.end() function to close the connection. For example, http.end();.

By following these steps, you should be able to use the http.begin() function in Arduino to make HTTP requests. Make sure to check the documentation of the specific libraries you are using for more detailed information on their usage.