clrscr in cpp

The clrscr() function in C++ is used to clear the output screen. It is typically used to remove any text or graphics that are currently displayed on the screen and provide a clean slate for new content to be displayed.

The clrscr() function is not a standard function in C++ and is not a part of the C++ standard library. It is a non-standard function that is commonly used in older versions of C++ compilers, especially those that are based on the Turbo C++ compiler.

The clrscr() function typically performs the following steps:

  1. The function first checks if the clrscr() function is defined or available in the current compiler. If it is not available, the function may display an error message or perform no action.

  2. If the clrscr() function is available, it may call other functions or system calls to clear the output screen. The exact implementation may vary depending on the compiler and the operating system.

  3. The clrscr() function may use escape sequences or system calls to clear the screen. These escape sequences or system calls are specific to the compiler and the operating system.

  4. After the screen is cleared, the clrscr() function returns control to the calling program.

It is important to note that the clrscr() function is considered outdated and non-portable. In modern C++ programming, it is recommended to use alternative methods to clear the output screen, such as using platform-specific functions or libraries, or clearing the output buffer manually.