cpp getter as const

To create a getter function in C++ that returns a constant value, you can use the const keyword in the function declaration. Here are the steps to create a getter function as const:

  1. Declare the member variable: Start by declaring the member variable in the class for which you want to create the getter function. For example, let's say we have a class called MyClass with a private member variable myVariable of type int.

  2. Define the getter function: Define the getter function in the class definition. The function should return the value of the member variable. In this case, the getter function will have a return type of int.

  3. Add the const keyword: To make the getter function return a constant value, add the const keyword after the function declaration. This tells the compiler that the function will not modify the object's state.

Here's an example that demonstrates these steps:

class MyClass {
    int myVariable;

    int getMyVariable() const {
        return myVariable;

In the example above, getMyVariable() is the getter function for the myVariable member variable. The const keyword after the function declaration indicates that the function does not modify the object's state.

By declaring the getter function as const, you can use it on const objects of the class, allowing you to access the member variable without the risk of accidentally modifying it.

Note that if the member variable is also declared as const, you can directly return it from the getter function without any modifications.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.