hello world C++, C plus plus hello world

Here are the explanations for each step to write a "Hello World" program in C++:

Step 1: Including the necessary libraries In C++, we need to include the "iostream" library to work with the standard input/output streams. This library provides the functionality to read from and write to the console.

Step 2: Adding the main function In C++, every program must have a main function. It is the entry point of the program from where the execution begins. The main function has a return type of "int" and takes no arguments.

Step 3: Writing the code Inside the main function, we write the code that we want to execute. In this case, we want to print the phrase "Hello World" to the console. We achieve this by using the "std::cout" statement, followed by the text we want to display within double quotation marks.

Step 4: Returning a value At the end of the main function, we use the "return" statement to specify the value that will be returned to the operating system. Conventionally, a value of 0 is returned to indicate successful execution of the program.

Step 5: Compiling and executing the program To run the program, we need to compile it first. Compilation is the process of converting the human-readable code into machine-readable instructions. Once the code is compiled, an executable file is generated. We can then execute this file to see the output.

That's it! By following these steps, you can create a "Hello World" program in C++ and see the phrase printed on the console.