qlabel font color

To change the font color of a QLabel in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Create a QLabel object: Start by creating an instance of the QLabel class. This can be done by declaring a QLabel variable.

  2. Set the text: Use the setText() function to set the text that will be displayed on the QLabel. Pass the desired text as an argument to this function.

  3. Set the font color: To change the font color, you need to access the QLabel's QPalette. This can be done by calling the palette() function on the QLabel object.

  4. Set the color role: The font color is controlled by the QPalette's color role. To change the font color, you need to set the color role to QPalette::WindowText.

  5. Set the color: Use the setColor() function to set the desired color for the QPalette's color role. Pass the QPalette::WindowText as the first argument and the desired color as the second argument.

  6. Apply the palette: After setting the desired font color, you need to apply the updated palette to the QLabel. This can be done by calling the setPalette() function on the QLabel object and passing the updated QPalette as an argument.

  7. Update the QLabel: Finally, call the update() function on the QLabel object to ensure that the changes are immediately reflected on the screen.

Here is an example that demonstrates these steps:

#include <QApplication>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPalette>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    QLabel label("Hello, World!");

    // Set the font color to red
    QPalette palette = label.palette();
    palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::red);


    return app.exec();

This example creates a QLabel with the text "Hello, World!" and sets the font color to red. You can replace Qt::red with any other valid color that is supported by Qt.