qt label set text color

To set the text color of a QLabel in Qt using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, include the necessary Qt header file for QLabel and QColor: cpp #include <QLabel> #include <QColor>

  2. Create an instance of QLabel: cpp QLabel* label = new QLabel(this);

  3. Set the text for the label: cpp label->setText("Hello, World!");

  4. Create an instance of QColor with the desired color: cpp QColor color(Qt::red); // Replace 'red' with the desired color

  5. Set the text color of the QLabel using the setStyleSheet() function and the QColor instance: cpp label->setStyleSheet(QString("color: %1").arg(color.name()));

  6. Finally, show the label: cpp label->show();

In these steps, we first include the necessary header files for QLabel and QColor. Then, we create an instance of QLabel and set the desired text. Next, we create an instance of QColor with the desired color. We use the setStyleSheet() function of QLabel to set the text color by providing a CSS-like string with the color property. Finally, we show the label to display it on the screen.