how to run a c++ program in the background

To run a C++ program in the background, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt: This will allow you to execute commands on your operating system.

  2. Navigate to the directory where your C++ program is located: Use the cd command to change the current working directory to the location where your program's source code file is stored.

  3. Compile your C++ program: Use a C++ compiler, such as g++, to compile your program. The command to compile a C++ program is typically g++ <filename.cpp> -o <output>, where <filename.cpp> is the name of your source code file and <output> is the desired name of the compiled executable file.

  4. Run the program in the background: To run the compiled program in the background, you can append an ampersand & at the end of the command. For example, ./<output> &.

  5. The ./ is used to execute the compiled program.

  6. <output> should be replaced with the name of the compiled executable file.

  7. Verify that the program is running: You can use system monitoring tools or commands like ps to check if the program is running in the background. For example, you can use the command ps -ef | grep <output> to search for the running process.

Once you have completed these steps, your C++ program should be running in the background. This means that it will continue to execute without any user interface or terminal output.