is C++ useful in 2021

C++ is still a widely used programming language in 2021 for various reasons.

  1. Performance: C++ allows developers to write efficient code that can directly interact with hardware and system resources. This low-level control over memory management and the ability to optimize code execution make C++ well-suited for performance-critical applications, such as game engines, embedded systems, and high-frequency trading.

  2. Compatibility: C++ is compatible with other programming languages. It can be easily integrated with existing code written in C, enabling developers to leverage legacy code and libraries. Additionally, C++ code can be compiled into machine code, which makes it highly portable across different platforms.

  3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): C++ supports OOP principles, allowing developers to structure their code using classes, objects, and inheritance. This makes code organization and maintenance easier, especially for large-scale projects.

  4. Standard Template Library (STL): The STL provides a collection of reusable data structures and algorithms, such as vectors, lists, and sorting functions. These pre-built components save development time and effort, making C++ a productive choice for software development.

  5. Community and Resources: C++ has a vast and active community of developers who continuously contribute to its growth. This means that there are plenty of resources available, including tutorials, forums, and libraries, to help developers learn and solve problems.

  6. Performance-critical Domains: C++ is commonly used in domains that require high-performance computing, such as scientific simulations, image processing, and real-time systems. Its ability to directly manipulate memory and efficiently use hardware resources makes it a preferred choice in these fields.

Overall, while newer languages like Python and JavaScript have gained popularity for their ease of use and rapid development, C++ remains relevant and widely used in 2021 due to its performance, compatibility, and strong support for low-level programming.