how to run a c++ file from terminal linux

To run a C++ file from the terminal in Linux, follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal: You can open the terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching for "terminal" in the applications menu.

  2. Navigate to the directory containing the C++ file: Use the cd command followed by the path to the directory where your C++ file is located. For example, if the file is in the "Documents" folder, you can navigate to it using the command cd Documents.

  3. Compile the C++ file: Use the g++ command followed by the name of the C++ file you want to compile. For example, if your file is named "myprogram.cpp", you can compile it using the command g++ myprogram.cpp. This command will generate an executable file.

  4. Run the executable file: After successful compilation, you can run the generated executable file using the ./ command followed by the name of the executable file. For example, if the executable file is named "myprogram", you can run it using the command ./myprogram. This will execute your C++ program and display the output, if any.

Note: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to execute the file. If you encounter a permission denied error, you can use the chmod command to change the file permissions. For example, you can use chmod +x myprogram to grant execute permissions to the file named "myprogram".

That's it! You have successfully run a C++ file from the terminal in Linux.