use regex replace in c++

To use regex replace in C++, you need to include the <regex> library. The std::regex_replace function can be used to perform the replacement. Here are the steps to use regex replace in C++:

  1. Include the <regex> library:
#include <regex>

This allows you to use the regex functionality in your code.

  1. Create a regex pattern:
std::regex pattern("pattern");

Replace "pattern" with the regular expression pattern you want to match in your input string.

  1. Create an input string:
std::string input = "input string";

Replace "input string" with the string you want to perform the replacement on.

  1. Perform the replacement:
std::string result = std::regex_replace(input, pattern, "replacement");

Replace "replacement" with the string you want to use as the replacement for the matched pattern.

  1. Use the result:
std::cout << result << std::endl;

This line prints the result to the console. You can use the result string in any way you need in your code.

That's it! You have successfully used regex replace in C++. Make sure to include error handling and check for any exceptions that may occur during the regex operations.