eosio name to string

To convert an eosio name to a string in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the name value: First, you need to have the eosio::name value that you want to convert to a string. The name type in the EOSIO framework represents a name string, and it provides various methods and operators to work with names.

  2. Convert to uint64_t: The name type internally stores the name as a uint64_t value. To convert the name to a string, you first need to extract the uint64_t value representing the name. This can be done using the eosio::name::value member function, which returns the underlying uint64_t value.

  3. Convert uint64_t to string: Once you have the uint64_t value representing the name, you can convert it to a string using standard C++ string conversion functions or libraries. One common way to convert an integer to a string is to use the std::to_string function provided by the C++ standard library.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates the conversion of an eosio::name to a string:

#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <string>

using namespace eosio;

int main() {
  name myName = name("myaccount");
  uint64_t nameValue = myName.value;
  std::string nameString = std::to_string(nameValue);

  // Print the converted string

  return 0;

In this example, we create an eosio::name object named myName with the value "myaccount". We then extract the uint64_t value using myName.value and convert it to a string using std::to_string. Finally, we print the converted string using eosio::print.

Keep in mind that the resulting string will be a decimal representation of the uint64_t value, not the original name string. If you want to convert the eosio::name to the original name string, you may need to implement additional logic to reverse the name encoding process used in the EOSIO framework.