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\section{Math in C++}

To include mathematical operations in C++, we can utilize the built-in mathematical functions and operators. Here's an example of how to perform basic mathematical operations in C++:


To perform addition in C++, we can use the addition operator (+). For example:

\begin{verbatim} int sum = 5 + 3; \end{verbatim}


To perform subtraction in C++, we can use the subtraction operator (-). For example:

\begin{verbatim} int difference = 7 - 2; \end{verbatim}


To perform multiplication in C++, we can use the multiplication operator (*). For example:

\begin{verbatim} int product = 4 * 6; \end{verbatim}


To perform division in C++, we can use the division operator (/). For example:

\begin{verbatim} float quotient = 10.0 / 2.0; \end{verbatim}

These are the basic mathematical operations that can be performed in C++ using the built-in functions and operators.