c++ uniform_real_distribution get same result

To generate the same result using the uniform_real_distribution in C++, you would follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header files: Begin by including the necessary header files in your C++ code. For the uniform_real_distribution class, you will need to include the <random> header.

  2. Create a random number generator: Declare and initialize a random number generator object. C++ provides several random number generators, such as std::default_random_engine and std::mt19937. You can choose the one that suits your needs.

  3. Create a distribution: Create an instance of the uniform_real_distribution class. This class represents a distribution that produces random floating-point numbers in a specified range.

  4. Set the range: Set the range of the distribution by specifying the minimum and maximum values. The uniform_real_distribution constructor takes the minimum and maximum values as parameters.

  5. Generate random numbers: Use the random number generator and the distribution to generate random numbers. You can do this by calling the operator() function on the distribution object, passing the random number generator as an argument.

  6. Use the generated numbers: You can use the generated random numbers in your code as needed.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates these steps:

#include <random>

int main() {
    // Step 2: Create a random number generator
    std::default_random_engine generator;

    // Step 3: Create a distribution
    std::uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution(0.0, 1.0);

    // Step 5: Generate random numbers
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        double random_number = distribution(generator);
        // Step 6: Use the generated numbers
        // Do something with the random number

    return 0;

In this example, the uniform_real_distribution is used to generate 5 random numbers between 0.0 and 1.0. The default_random_engine is used as the random number generator. You can modify the code to suit your specific needs, such as changing the range or the number of random numbers generated.