what is syntex for inheritence in c++

Syntax for Inheritance in C++

In C++, inheritance is a fundamental feature of object-oriented programming that allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class. The syntax for inheritance in C++ is as follows:

class DerivedClass : accessSpecifier BaseClass {
    // class members and functions

Let's break down the syntax step by step:

  1. class: The keyword "class" is used to define a new class.

  2. DerivedClass: This is the name of the derived class that is inheriting from the base class.

  3. accessSpecifier: The access specifier determines the level of access that the derived class has to the members of the base class. There are three access specifiers in C++: "public", "protected", and "private". The choice of access specifier determines the visibility of the inherited members in the derived class.

  4. BaseClass: This is the name of the base class from which the derived class is inheriting.

  5. class members and functions: Inside the derived class, you can define additional members and functions specific to the derived class.

Here's an example to illustrate the syntax:

class Animal {  // Base class
    void eat() {
        cout << "Animal is eating." << endl;

class Dog : public Animal {  // Derived class
    void bark() {
        cout << "Dog is barking." << endl;

In this example, the class "Animal" is the base class, and the class "Dog" is the derived class. The derived class "Dog" inherits the "eat()" function from the base class "Animal" using the "public" access specifier. Additionally, the derived class defines its own function "bark()".

Now, an object of the derived class can access both the inherited function "eat()" and the derived function "bark()":

int main() {
    Dog dog;
    dog.eat();  // Output: Animal is eating.
    dog.bark(); // Output: Dog is barking.
    return 0;

In this example, the object "dog" can call the inherited function "eat()" from the base class and the derived function "bark()" defined in the derived class.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.