google test assert eq float

Here is an explanation for using Google Test's ASSERT_EQ for comparing float values in C++:

  1. Include the necessary header files: In order to use the ASSERT_EQ macro from Google Test, you need to include the appropriate header file. For comparing float values, you should include the <gtest/gtest.h> header file.

  2. Write the test case: Define a test case using the TEST macro provided by Google Test. This macro takes two arguments: the test suite name and the test case name. For example:

TEST(MyTestSuite, MyTestCase) {
  // ...
  1. Perform the assertion: Inside the test case, use the ASSERT_EQ macro to compare the float values. The ASSERT_EQ macro takes two arguments: the expected value and the actual value. For example:
TEST(MyTestSuite, MyTestCase) {
  float expected = 3.14;
  float actual = calculatePi();

  ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual);
  1. Compile and run the tests: Once you have written your test case, you need to compile and run the tests using a test runner. This will execute your test case and check if the assertion holds true. If the assertion fails, an error message will be displayed indicating the values that were compared and the reason for the failure.

By using the ASSERT_EQ macro, you can compare float values in your C++ code within Google Test. It will check if the expected and actual values are equal, and if not, it will report an error. This helps in ensuring the correctness of your code and catching any unexpected behavior.