linerenderer follow camera unity

To create a linerenderer that follows the camera in Unity using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new C++ script: In Unity, create a new C++ script by right-clicking in the project window and selecting "Create" -> "C++ Script". Name the script as per your preference, such as "CameraLineRenderer".

  2. Open the script in an IDE: Double-click on the script file to open it in your preferred C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

  3. Include necessary headers: At the beginning of the script, include the necessary headers for accessing Unity's C++ APIs. These headers typically include "UnityEngine.h" and "MonoBehaviour.h".

  4. Define the class: Define a class for your script that inherits from the MonoBehaviour base class. For example:

class CameraLineRenderer : public MonoBehaviour
    // ...
  1. Declare necessary member variables: Inside the class, declare any member variables that you might need. For example, you might need a reference to the camera and the line renderer component. Declare these variables as private members of the class. For example:
    Camera* camera;
    LineRenderer* lineRenderer;
  1. Implement the Start function: Override the Start function to initialize any necessary components and variables. In this case, you would want to get references to the camera and line renderer components. For example:
void Start()
    camera = GetComponent<Camera>();
    lineRenderer = GetComponent<LineRenderer>();
  1. Implement the Update function: Override the Update function to update the line renderer's position based on the camera's position. For example:
void Update()
    Vector3 cameraPosition = camera->transform->position;
    lineRenderer->SetPosition(0, cameraPosition);
    lineRenderer->SetPosition(1, cameraPosition + Vector3::forward * 10.0f);
  1. Attach the script to the camera: In the Unity Editor, select the camera object to which you want to attach the script. In the Inspector window, click on "Add Component" and search for your script's name (e.g., "CameraLineRenderer"). Click on it to attach the script to the camera.

  2. Test the linerenderer: Play the scene in the Unity Editor, and you should see a line renderer that follows the camera's position.

Note: It's important to mention that Unity primarily uses C# as its scripting language, not C++. However, you can use C++ with Unity through the Unity Native Plugin interface. The steps provided above assume that you have set up a C++ project within Unity using the Native Plugin interface.