ue4 cpp OnHit

The OnHit function in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is a callback function that is triggered whenever an actor is hit by something in the game world. It is commonly used to handle collision events and perform specific actions when a collision occurs.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to implement the OnHit function in C++ for UE4:

  1. Begin by creating a new class or opening an existing class in your UE4 project's code. This class should inherit from the appropriate parent class, such as AActor or APawn, depending on your needs.

  2. Within the class declaration, add the function declaration for OnHit. This should follow the format specified by Unreal Engine's coding standards. For example:

cpp UFUNCTION() void OnHit(AActor SelfActor, AActor OtherActor, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit);

The UFUNCTION macro is used to mark this function as a BlueprintCallable function, allowing it to be called from Blueprints as well. The parameters of the function provide information about the collision, such as the actors involved and the normal impulse.

  1. Implement the OnHit function definition in the class's .cpp file. The implementation should match the function declaration and include the desired logic to be executed when a collision occurs. For example:

cpp void YourClass::OnHit(AActor SelfActor, AActor OtherActor, FVector NormalImpulse, const FHitResult& Hit) { // Your logic here // For example, you can print a message to the log UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Actor %s was hit by %s"), SelfActor->GetName(), OtherActor->GetName()); }

In this example, the function simply logs a warning message to the console, indicating which actor was hit by which other actor.

  1. Finally, you need to bind the OnHit function to the appropriate collision event in your UE4 project. This is typically done in the class's BeginPlay function or in the constructor. For example:

```cpp void YourClass::BeginPlay() { Super::BeginPlay();

   // Bind the OnHit function to the actor's OnHit event
   OnActorHit.AddDynamic(this, &YourClass::OnHit);

} ```

This code binds the OnHit function to the actor's OnActorHit event, ensuring that the function is called whenever a collision occurs.

And that's it! With these steps, you should have a working OnHit function in C++ for UE4, allowing you to handle collision events and perform specific actions in your game. Remember to customize the logic inside the OnHit function to suit your needs.