unreal engine delay c++

To add a delay in Unreal Engine using C++, you can use the FTimerHandle and FTimerDelegate classes. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Create a new function in your class where you want the delay to occur. For example, let's call it DelayedFunction.

  2. Inside the DelayedFunction, define a FTimerHandle variable to store the timer handle. For example: FTimerHandle DelayedHandle;

  3. Create a delegate function that will be called after the specified delay. This delegate function will be responsible for executing the desired code. For example: void OnDelayedFunction() { // Code to execute after the delay }

  4. In the DelayedFunction, set the timer to call the delegate function after the desired delay. For example, to delay the execution by 2 seconds: GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(DelayedHandle, this, &YourClassName::OnDelayedFunction, 2.0f, false);

Here, this refers to the current object, &YourClassName::OnDelayedFunction is the address of the delegate function, 2.0f is the delay in seconds, and false indicates that the timer should not repeat.

  1. To cancel the timer before it fires, you can call the ClearTimer function with the timer handle. For example: GetWorldTimerManager().ClearTimer(DelayedHandle);

That's it! Now, when you call the DelayedFunction, it will delay the execution of the code inside the delegate function by the specified amount of time. Remember to replace YourClassName with the actual name of your class.