c++ compare strings ignore case

To compare strings in C++ while ignoring case, you can use the strcasecmp function from the <cstring> library. Here are the steps to perform a case-insensitive string comparison in C++:

  1. Include the <cstring> library: cpp #include <cstring>

  2. Declare the strings you want to compare: cpp const char* str1 = "Hello"; const char* str2 = "hello";

  3. Use the strcasecmp function to compare the strings: cpp int result = strcasecmp(str1, str2);

The strcasecmp function returns an integer value that represents the result of the comparison. It returns 0 if the strings are equal (ignoring case), a negative value if str1 is less than str2, and a positive value if str1 is greater than str2.

  1. Check the result of the comparison to determine the relationship between the strings: cpp if (result == 0) { // Strings are equal (ignoring case) } else if (result < 0) { // str1 is less than str2 } else { // str1 is greater than str2 }

In this step, you can use conditional statements (if-else) to handle different cases based on the result of the comparison.

That's it! By following these steps, you can compare strings in C++ while ignoring case using the strcasecmp function.