c++ unary minus overload

To overload the unary minus operator in C++, you can define a member function or a non-member function. The unary minus operator is represented by the '-' symbol and is used to negate the value of an operand.

When overloading the unary minus operator, you need to define the function with the following signature:

return_type operator-();

Here, return_type represents the type of the result when the unary minus operator is applied to an object of the class.

To overload the unary minus operator as a member function, you need to define it within the class definition. Here's an example:

class MyClass {
  return_type operator-() {
    // implementation of the unary minus operator

To overload the unary minus operator as a non-member function, you define it outside the class definition. Here's an example:

class MyClass {
  // class definition

return_type operator-(const MyClass& obj) {
  // implementation of the unary minus operator

In both cases, you can implement the unary minus operator according to your specific requirements. The implementation should return the negated value of the operand.

Once the unary minus operator is overloaded, you can use it on objects of the class as follows:

MyClass obj;
MyClass negatedObj = -obj;

In this example, the unary minus operator is applied to the obj object, and the result is assigned to the negatedObj object.

Remember to replace return_type with the appropriate return type for your specific implementation.