set cmd size c++

To set the size of a command prompt window in C++, you can use the SetConsoleScreenBufferSize function from the Windows API. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to do it:

  1. Include the necessary header files:
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

The Windows.h header file provides the necessary functions and types for working with the Windows API.

  1. Declare the COORD structure:
COORD bufferSize;

The COORD structure represents a pair of X and Y coordinates.

  1. Set the desired size of the command prompt window:
bufferSize.X = 80; // Width in columns
bufferSize.Y = 25; // Height in rows

In this example, we set the width to 80 columns and the height to 25 rows. You can adjust these values according to your needs.

  1. Get the handle to the console screen buffer:
HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

The GetStdHandle function retrieves a handle to the specified standard device (in this case, the standard output).

  1. Set the console screen buffer size:
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hConsole, bufferSize);

The SetConsoleScreenBufferSize function sets the size of the console screen buffer associated with the specified console screen buffer handle.

That's it! The command prompt window should now have the desired size. Remember to include error handling in case any of the function calls fail.