binary string addition

To perform binary string addition in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Take input of two binary strings from the user.
  2. Initialize two empty strings to store the result and carry.
  3. Start from the rightmost bit of each binary string and iterate towards the leftmost bit.
  4. Add the corresponding bits from both strings along with the carry bit.
  5. Determine the sum and the carry bit for the current bit position.
  6. Append the sum bit to the result string.
  7. Update the carry bit for the next iteration.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 until all bits have been processed.
  9. If there is a remaining carry bit after processing all bits, append it to the result string.
  10. Reverse the result string to obtain the final binary sum.
  11. Output the final binary sum as the result of the addition.