gestd::getline with wstring

The std::getline function in C++ is primarily used to read a line from an input stream and store it in a string variable. However, this function does not work directly with wide strings (wstring) because it expects narrow strings (string). To use std::getline with wstring, we need to perform a few additional steps:

Step 1: Include the necessary header files.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

These header files provide the necessary functions and classes for input/output operations and string manipulation.

Step 2: Declare a wstring variable to store the input.

std::wstring line;

This creates a wstring variable named line to store the input line.

Step 3: Declare a wcin object to read from the standard input stream.


This declares a wcin object, which represents the standard input stream.

Step 4: Use std::getline with a wcin object.

std::getline(std::wcin, line);

Here, we call std::getline function, passing the wcin object as the input stream and the line variable as the output container. This allows us to read a line of input as a wide string and store it in the line variable.

Step 5: Process the input as needed.

// Example: Print the input line
std::wcout << "Input line: " << line << std::endl;

After reading the line using std::getline, you can process the input as required. In this example, we simply print the input line using std::wcout.

That's it! These steps allow you to use std::getline with wstring in C++. Remember to include the necessary header files, declare a wstring variable, use wcin as the input stream, call std::getline with wcin and the wstring variable, and process the input as needed.