retourner pointeur de type qstringlist qt

To return a pointer of type QStringList in Qt, follow these steps:

  1. Declare a function that returns a pointer to a QStringList. The return type should be QStringList*. For example:
QStringList* getQStringListPointer() {
    // Function implementation
  1. Inside the function, create a new instance of QStringList using the new keyword. This will allocate memory for the QStringList object on the heap. For example:
QStringList* getQStringListPointer() {
    QStringList* list = new QStringList();
    // Function implementation
  1. Populate the QStringList object with the desired data using the appropriate methods such as append(), push_back(), or operator<<. For example:
QStringList* getQStringListPointer() {
    QStringList* list = new QStringList();
    list->append("Item 1");
    list->append("Item 2");
    list->append("Item 3");
    // Function implementation
  1. After populating the QStringList object, return the pointer to the object using the return keyword. For example:
QStringList* getQStringListPointer() {
    QStringList* list = new QStringList();
    list->append("Item 1");
    list->append("Item 2");
    list->append("Item 3");
    return list;
  1. The calling code can then receive the returned pointer and use it as needed. Make sure to handle memory management properly by deleting the dynamically allocated QStringList object when it is no longer needed. For example:
QStringList* returnedList = getQStringListPointer();
// Use the QStringList object
// ...

// Delete the dynamically allocated object when done
delete returnedList;

By following these steps, you can return a pointer of type QStringList in C++ with Qt.