differency between c++ std and stl

C++ Standard Library (std):

  1. The C++ Standard Library is a collection of classes and functions, part of the C++ Standard, that provides fundamental facilities for programming tasks.

  2. It includes components like input/output, strings, containers, algorithms, and more.

  3. The namespace 'std' is used to encapsulate the C++ Standard Library entities.

  4. The 'std' namespace is implicitly included in C++ programs, allowing direct use of its components without additional qualifications.

  5. Examples of 'std' components include 'std::cout', 'std::vector', 'std::string', and 'std::algorithm'.

STL (Standard Template Library):

  1. The Standard Template Library (STL) is a subset of the C++ Standard Library that leverages template programming for generic programming.

  2. STL components include algorithms, containers, iterators, and function objects that are parameterized with template types.

  3. Containers in STL store and organize data, iterators provide a way to traverse containers, and algorithms operate on ranges defined by iterators.

  4. The 'std' namespace is used for STL components, similar to the broader C++ Standard Library.

  5. Examples of STL components include 'std::vector', 'std::list', 'std::sort', and 'std::for_each'.

  6. STL allows the creation of custom data structures and algorithms through template programming.

  7. STL provides a powerful and flexible framework for creating efficient and reusable code through the use of generic programming concepts.