UE4 Log

To provide an explanation for each step in using UE4 Log in C++, we can break it down into the following steps:

  1. Include the necessary header files: To use UE4 Log in C++, you need to include the appropriate header files. These files typically start with "Log" and can be found in the "Runtime/Core/Public" directory of the Unreal Engine source code.

  2. Create a log category: Before you can start logging messages, you need to create a log category. A log category is a way to group related log messages together. You can create a log category by declaring a static variable of type "DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN" in one of your source files.

  3. Log a message: To log a message using UE4 Log, you can use various log functions provided by Unreal Engine. The most commonly used log functions are "UE_LOG" and "UE_LOG(LogCategory, Verbosity, Message)". The first parameter, LogCategory, is the log category you created in step 2. The second parameter, Verbosity, determines the verbosity level of the log message. The third parameter, Message, is the actual message you want to log.

  4. Build and run: After you have written the code to log messages, you need to build and run your project to see the log output. The log messages will be displayed in the output log window of the Unreal Editor or in the console if you are running a standalone game.

By following these steps, you can effectively use UE4 Log in C++ to log messages and debug your Unreal Engine projects.