c++ pass argument to singleton

To pass an argument to a singleton in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a static member variable in the singleton class: Declare a static member variable in the singleton class to store the argument that you want to pass. This variable will be shared across all instances of the singleton.

  2. Create a static member function to set the argument: Define a static member function in the singleton class that takes the argument as a parameter. This function will be responsible for setting the value of the static member variable.

  3. Call the static member function to set the argument: In your code, call the static member function of the singleton class to set the argument. This can be done before or after you retrieve the instance of the singleton.

  4. Access the argument in the singleton class: Inside the singleton class, you can access the argument through the static member variable. You can use it wherever needed within the singleton's member functions.

Here's an example to illustrate these steps:

class MySingleton {
    static void setArgument(int arg) {
        argument = arg;

    void doSomething() {
        // Access the argument here
        std::cout << "Argument value: " << argument << std::endl;
        // Do something with the argument

    static MySingleton& getInstance() {
        static MySingleton instance;
        return instance;

    static int argument; // Step 1: Static member variable
    MySingleton() {} // Private constructor to prevent instantiation

int MySingleton::argument = 0; // Initialize the static member variable

int main() {
    MySingleton::setArgument(42); // Step 3: Set the argument
    MySingleton& singleton = MySingleton::getInstance(); // Get the singleton instance
    singleton.doSomething(); // Access the argument in the singleton
    return 0;

In this example, we have a singleton class MySingleton with a static member variable argument (Step 1). We define a static member function setArgument to set the value of argument (Step 2). In main(), we call setArgument to set the value to 42 (Step 3). Then, we retrieve the singleton instance using getInstance() and call doSomething() to access and use the argument (Step 4).

By following these steps, you can pass an argument to a singleton in C++.