ue4 ftext c++

The Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) framework provides a data type called FText in C++ for managing localized text in a game or application. FText is used to store text that can be easily translated into different languages.

To use FText in C++, follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file: To use FText, you need to include the "Internationalization/Text.h" header file.
#include "Internationalization/Text.h"
  1. Declare an FText variable: Declare a variable of type FText to store your localized text. You can initialize it with a string literal or use the LOCTEXT macro for localization purposes.
FText MyText = LOCTEXT("MyKey", "Hello, World!");
  1. Access the text value: You can access the text value of the FText variable using the ToString() function. This function converts the FText object to a string.
FString TextString = MyText.ToString();
  1. Use the FText variable: You can use the FText variable in various ways, such as displaying it on the screen or passing it as an argument to other functions.
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *TextString);
  1. Localize the text: To localize the FText, you need to modify the localization files in your project. This step involves creating or modifying .csv or .po files that map the text keys to their localized versions in different languages.

Note: The localization process is beyond the scope of this explanation. Consult the Unreal Engine 4 documentation for more information on how to localize your project.

Remember to include the necessary header file, declare an FText variable, access its text value, and use it in your project. Localization is an important step to ensure your game or application can be easily translated into different languages for a wider audience.