how to get a random number between two numbers in c++

To generate a random number between two numbers in C++, you can make use of the <random> library. Here are the steps to achieve this:

  1. Include the <random> library: Begin by including the <random> library in your code with the following line at the top: cpp #include <random>

  2. Create a random number generator engine: Next, create a random number generator engine object. This engine will generate random numbers based on a specified distribution. For example, you can use the std::default_random_engine engine, which is a commonly used engine. Here's how you can create the engine: cpp std::default_random_engine generator;

  3. Set the range: Determine the range within which you want to generate random numbers. For example, if you want to generate random numbers between 1 and 100 (inclusive), you can define the range as follows: cpp int minNumber = 1; int maxNumber = 100;

  4. Create a distribution: Create a distribution object that will define the range of numbers to be generated by the engine. In this case, we'll use the std::uniform_int_distribution distribution, which generates random integers with equal probability within a specified range. Here's how you can create the distribution: cpp std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(minNumber, maxNumber);

  5. Generate random numbers: Finally, use the distribution and the engine to generate random numbers. You can do this by calling the operator() on the distribution object, passing the generator as an argument. Each call to operator() will generate a new random number within the specified range. Here's an example of generating a single random number: cpp int randomNumber = distribution(generator);

You can repeat this step as many times as needed to generate multiple random numbers within the desired range.

That's it! By following these steps, you can generate random numbers between two given numbers in C++.