set platformio to C++17

To set PlatformIO to use C++17, follow these steps:

  1. Open your PlatformIO project in your preferred code editor.

  2. Locate the platformio.ini file in the root directory of your project.

  3. Open the platformio.ini file and add the following line of code:

build_flags = -std=c++17

This line tells PlatformIO to compile your code using the C++17 standard.

  1. Save the platformio.ini file.

  2. Restart your PlatformIO IDE or reload your project to apply the changes.

By adding the build_flags = -std=c++17 line to the platformio.ini file, you are specifying the C++17 standard to be used for compiling your code. This ensures that your project can take advantage of the features and improvements introduced in the C++17 standard.

Please note that setting the C++ standard to C++17 may require your code to be compatible with the C++17 standard. Make sure your code does not use any deprecated features or syntax that is not supported in C++17.