inserting at start in vector c++

To insert an element at the start of a vector in C++, you can use the insert function along with the begin iterator. Here are the steps to do it:

  1. Create a vector: First, create a vector of the desired data type. For example, if you want to create a vector of integers, you can declare it as vector<int> myVector;.

  2. Insert element at the start: To insert an element at the start of the vector, use the insert function. The insert function takes two arguments: the position where you want to insert the element and the value of the element you want to insert. In this case, since you want to insert at the start, use myVector.insert(myVector.begin(), element);, where element is the value you want to insert.

  3. Accessing the vector: You can access the vector elements using the index notation. For example, to access the first element of the vector, you can use myVector[0].

  4. Printing the vector: To print the elements of the vector, you can use a loop. For example, you can use a for loop to iterate over the vector and print each element.