eosio check account exist

To check if an account exists in EOSIO using C++, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Import the required libraries Include the necessary C++ libraries:

#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosio/name.hpp>

Step 2: Define the contract class Create a contract class that inherits from eosio::contract:

class [[eosio::contract]] account_checker : public eosio::contract {
   using contract::contract;

Step 3: Define the check_account function Inside the contract class, define a function called check_account that takes an account name as an argument:

void check_account(eosio::name account) {
   // code to check if the account exists

Step 4: Implement the check_account function In the check_account function, you can use the eosio::name class to check if the account exists:

eosio::name account_name(account);
bool account_exists = account_name != eosio::name{};

Step 5: Return the result You can return the result of the account existence check using eosio::check:

eosio::check(account_exists, "Account does not exist");

Step 6: Close the contract class Close the contract class definition:


Step 7: Declare the contract Declare the contract using the EOSIO_DISPATCH macro:

EOSIO_DISPATCH(account_checker, (check_account))

That's it! You now have a C++ program to check if an account exists in EOSIO.