reverse sort cpp

To reverse sort a list in C++, you can use the sort() function from the <algorithm> library along with the greater comparator from the <functional> library. Here are the steps to achieve that:

  1. Include the necessary libraries: cpp #include <algorithm> #include <functional>

  2. Declare a vector (or an array) with the elements you want to sort: cpp std::vector<int> numbers = {5, 2, 8, 1, 9};

  3. Use the std::sort() function to sort the vector in ascending order: cpp std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());

  4. To reverse the sorted vector, pass the std::greater<>() comparator as the third argument to std::sort(): cpp std::sort(numbers.rbegin(), numbers.rend(), std::greater<>());

In this step, rbegin() and rend() are used to obtain reverse iterators for the vector, ensuring that the sorting is done in descending order.

  1. The vector numbers will now be sorted in descending order: 9, 8, 5, 2, 1

That's it! You have successfully reverse sorted a vector in C++ using the sort() function and the std::greater<>() comparator.