for loop reverse C++

for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // code block

Step 1: Initialization

  • int i = n-1: Initialize a variable i with a value of n-1. This sets the starting point for the loop.

Step 2: Condition Check

  • i >= 0: Check if the value of i is greater than or equal to 0. If the condition is true, the loop continues; otherwise, the loop terminates.

Step 3: Code Execution

  • // code block: Execute the statements inside the code block. This is the code that will be executed in each iteration of the loop.

Step 4: Update

  • i--: Decrement the value of i by 1. This updates the loop variable i for the next iteration.

Step 5: Repeat

  • Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 until the condition in step 2 becomes false.

This for loop is commonly used to iterate over a range of values in reverse order. The loop starts with i set to n-1 and continues until i becomes less than 0. In each iteration, the code block inside the loop is executed, and then i is decremented by 1. This pattern continues until the loop terminates.