c++ chrono get milliseconds

To get the milliseconds using the chrono library in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the chrono library by adding the following line at the beginning of your code:

cpp #include <chrono>

  1. Declare a variable of type std::chrono::milliseconds to store the milliseconds. For example:

cpp std::chrono::milliseconds milliseconds;

  1. Use the std::chrono::system_clock to get the current time. This clock represents the current time according to the system's clock. For example:

cpp auto currentTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();

  1. Use the std::chrono::time_point_cast function to cast the current time into milliseconds. Pass the currentTime variable as the argument and specify std::chrono::milliseconds as the desired duration type. For example:

cpp milliseconds = std::chrono::time_point_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(currentTime);

  1. Access the number of milliseconds using the count() function of the std::chrono::milliseconds variable. This will return the number of milliseconds as a long long value. For example:

cpp long long millisecondsCount = milliseconds.count();

Now, the millisecondsCount variable will hold the number of milliseconds.

These steps will allow you to get the milliseconds using the chrono library in C++.