eosio multi index secondary index

In C++, when working with the EOSIO multi-index container, secondary indexes are used to provide efficient access to data stored in the container. Here are the steps involved in using a secondary index:

  1. Define the primary key: The primary key is a unique identifier for each entry in the multi-index container. It is used to uniquely identify and retrieve data from the container.

  2. Declare the secondary index: To enable efficient access to data based on a specific field, you need to declare a secondary index. This index allows you to query the container using the field as a filter.

  3. Specify the secondary index type: The secondary index type determines the behavior and characteristics of the index. There are several types available, such as ordered, hashed, and non-unique indexes. Choose the appropriate type based on your requirements.

  4. Add the secondary index to the multi-index container: Once you have declared the secondary index, you need to add it to the multi-index container. This is done by defining a struct that represents the entry in the container and includes the primary key and any secondary indexes.

  5. Implement the necessary functions: To interact with the multi-index container, you need to implement certain functions, such as emplace, erase, and modify. These functions allow you to insert, remove, and update entries in the container.

  6. Use the secondary index to query data: With the secondary index in place, you can now query the multi-index container using the field associated with the secondary index. This allows you to efficiently retrieve specific data based on the index's characteristics.

By following these steps, you can effectively use secondary indexes in the EOSIO multi-index container to provide efficient access to your data.