linked list with classes c++

To create a linked list using classes in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define a class for the linked list node: Create a class that represents a node in the linked list. This class should contain at least two members: a data member to store the value of the node, and a pointer member to point to the next node in the list.

  2. Define a class for the linked list: Create a class that represents the linked list itself. This class should contain a pointer member that points to the head of the list. It should also include functions to perform various operations on the list, such as inserting a node, deleting a node, searching for a value, etc.

  3. Implement the constructor and destructor: In the linked list class, implement a constructor to initialize the head pointer to nullptr. Also, implement a destructor to deallocate the memory occupied by the nodes in the list when the list object is destroyed.

  4. Implement the insert function: Write a function in the linked list class to insert a new node at the beginning, end, or at a specific position in the list. This function should allocate memory for the new node, set its value, and update the appropriate pointers to maintain the connectivity of the list.

  5. Implement the delete function: Write a function in the linked list class to delete a node from the list. This function should update the pointers of the previous and next nodes to remove the node from the list. Also, deallocate the memory occupied by the deleted node.

  6. Implement other necessary functions: Depending on your requirements, you may need to implement additional functions such as searching for a value, counting the number of nodes, displaying the list, etc.

Remember to properly handle edge cases, such as inserting or deleting nodes at the beginning or end of the list, handling an empty list, etc.