flake8 max line length

To set the maximum line length for flake8 in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal or command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the directory where your C++ files are located.
  3. Create a file named .flake8 in the same directory. This file will contain the configuration for flake8.
  4. Open the .flake8 file in a text editor.
  5. Add the following line to the file: max-line-length = 80
  6. This sets the maximum line length to 80 characters. You can change this value according to your preferences.
  7. Save the .flake8 file.

After following these steps, flake8 will enforce the maximum line length of 80 characters for your C++ files.

Note: The steps provided above assume that you have already installed flake8 on your system. If not, you can install it using the package manager for your operating system or through pip, the Python package installer.