c++ bold text

To make text bold in C++, you can use escape sequences with the appropriate formatting codes. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "\033[1mThis text is bold!\033[0m" << std::endl;

    return 0;

Let's break down the code and explain each step:

  1. Include iostream: This line includes the necessary header file iostream, which provides input and output functionality in C++. It allows us to use std::cout to print text to the console.

  2. Main function: This is the entry point of the program. The main function is where the execution of the program begins.

  3. std::cout: std::cout is an object of the std::ostream class, which is used for standard output. It is used to write text to the console.

  4. Escape sequence: The escape sequence \033 is used to indicate that we are going to use formatting codes. In this case, we want to make the following text bold.

  5. Formatting code for bold text: The formatting code [1m is used to make the text bold. It tells the console to switch to bold mode.

  6. Text: Inside the double quotes, we provide the text that we want to make bold. In this example, we have "This text is bold!".

  7. Reset formatting: After the bold text, we use the formatting code [0m to reset the formatting back to normal. This ensures that any text after the bold text is not affected by the bold formatting.

  8. std::endl: std::endl is used to insert a new line after the text is printed.

  9. Return statement: The return 0 statement is used to indicate the successful execution of the program. It returns the value 0 to the operating system.

By using the escape sequences and formatting codes, you can make text bold in C++.