jupyter lab use conda environment

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Activate the conda environment by using the following command:

bash conda activate your_environment_name

Replace "your_environment_name" with the name of your desired conda environment.

  1. Install the xeus-cling kernel, which allows you to use C++ in Jupyter Lab:

bash conda install -c conda-forge xeus-cling

  1. Install the cppkernel package to enable C++ support:

bash conda install -c conda-forge cppkernel

  1. Register the C++ kernel with Jupyter Lab:

bash jupyter kernelspec install --user --name your_environment_name

Replace "your_environment_name" with the name of your conda environment.

  1. Launch Jupyter Lab:

bash jupyter lab

  1. In Jupyter Lab, create a new notebook using the "your_environment_name" kernel, which corresponds to the C++ environment you activated.

Now you can use Jupyter Lab with a C++ kernel in the specified conda environment.