check compiler version c++

To check the version of the C++ compiler, you can use the __cplusplus macro. Here are the steps to do that:

  1. Open a C++ source file in a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE).

  2. Locate a place in your code where you can add a simple code snippet to check the compiler version.

  3. Add the following code snippet to your C++ source file:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "C++ Version: " << __cplusplus << std::endl;
    return 0;
  1. Save the file with a .cpp extension. For example, you can save it as version.cpp.

  2. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you saved the version.cpp file.

  3. Compile the C++ source file using a C++ compiler. The exact command may vary depending on the compiler you are using. Here are some common commands for popular compilers:

  4. GCC/G++: g++ version.cpp -o version

  5. Clang: clang++ version.cpp -o version
  6. Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC): cl version.cpp

  7. Run the compiled executable. The exact command may vary depending on your operating system. Here are some common commands for different systems:

  8. Linux/macOS: ./version

  9. Windows: version.exe

  10. The output of the program will display the version of the C++ compiler being used.

For example, if you are using GCC/G++, the output might look like:

C++ Version: 201703

In this case, the 201703 indicates that you are using the C++17 standard.

Please note that the __cplusplus macro provides a value that corresponds to the version of the C++ standard being implemented by the compiler. The values for different C++ standards are:

  • C++98: 199711L
  • C++03: 199711L
  • C++11: 201103L
  • C++14: 201402L
  • C++17: 201703L
  • C++20: 202002L

It's important to note that the values for C++ standards may vary depending on the compiler and its version.