clear screen in c++

To clear the screen in C++, you can use the system function with the appropriate command based on the operating system you are using. Here is an example of how to clear the screen in C++:

#include <cstdlib> // Required for the system function

int main() {
    system("clear"); // For Unix/Linux-based systems
    // or
    // system("cls"); // For Windows systems

    return 0;

Explanation: - The #include <cstdlib> directive is used to include the necessary header file for the system function. - The system function is used to execute a command in the operating system's shell. In this case, we are passing the command to clear the screen. - For Unix/Linux-based systems, the command is "clear". - For Windows systems, the command is "cls". You can comment out the appropriate line based on your operating system.

When you run this program, the system("clear") or system("cls") command will be executed, and the screen will be cleared accordingly.