check if directory exists cpp

To check if a directory exists in C++, you can use the std::filesystem library, which was introduced in C++17. Here are the steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file: cpp #include <filesystem>

  2. Use the std::filesystem::exists() function to check if the directory exists. This function takes a std::filesystem::path object as a parameter and returns a bool indicating whether the directory exists or not. Here's an example: cpp std::filesystem::path directoryPath = "path/to/directory"; bool exists = std::filesystem::exists(directoryPath);

  3. You can then use the value of the exists variable to perform further actions based on the existence of the directory. For example: cpp if (exists) { // Directory exists // Perform actions for an existing directory } else { // Directory doesn't exist // Perform actions for a non-existing directory }

That's it! By using the std::filesystem::exists() function, you can easily check if a directory exists in C++.