separation between paragraphs latex

To add separation between paragraphs in LaTeX, you can use the command "\parskip" along with the desired length to specify the vertical space between paragraphs. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open your LaTeX document in your preferred editor.

  2. In the preamble section of your document, add the following line: latex \setlength{\parskip}{<length>} Replace "" with the desired length for the vertical space between paragraphs. You can use measurements like "1cm", "2pt", or even "10mm".

  3. Save the changes to your LaTeX document.

  4. Recompile your LaTeX document to see the separation between paragraphs.

By adjusting the value of "\parskip", you can control the space between paragraphs in your LaTeX document. This command adds vertical space between paragraphs, giving them a clear separation.