how to find typein c++

To find the type of a variable in C++, you can use the typeid operator or the decltype specifier. Here are the steps to find the type of a variable in C++:

  1. Include the necessary header files: Before using the typeid operator or the decltype specifier, you need to include the <typeinfo> header file.

  2. Declare a variable: Declare the variable for which you want to find the type. For example, let's say we want to find the type of a variable called myVariable.

  3. Using the typeid operator: To find the type of a variable using the typeid operator, you need to use the typeid keyword followed by the variable name. The typeid operator returns a std::type_info object representing the type of the variable.

cpp #include <typeinfo> ... typeid(myVariable); // Returns a std::type_info object

  1. Using the decltype specifier: To find the type of a variable using the decltype specifier, you need to use the decltype keyword followed by the variable name. The decltype specifier returns the type of the expression passed to it.

cpp decltype(myVariable); // Returns the type of myVariable

That's it! By using either the typeid operator or the decltype specifier, you can find the type of a variable in C++. Remember to include the <typeinfo> header file if you're using the typeid operator.