ue4 log float

To log a float value in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare a float variable: Start by declaring a float variable and assigning a value to it. For example, you can declare a variable named "myFloat" and assign it a value of 3.14 like this: cpp float myFloat = 3.14;

  2. Log the float value: To log the float value, you can use the UE_LOG macro provided by UE4. The UE_LOG macro takes the log category, verbosity level, and the log message as parameters. Here's an example of logging the float value using the UE_LOG macro: cpp UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("My float value is: %f"), myFloat);

In this example, the log category is "LogTemp" (which is a commonly used category), the verbosity level is set to "Warning" (other levels include "Error", "Display", "Verbose", etc.), and the log message is "My float value is: %f" where %f is a placeholder for the float value.

  1. Build and run: After writing the code, you need to build and run the UE4 project to see the log message in the output log. The log message will be displayed with the specified log category and verbosity level.

By following these steps, you can log a float value in UE4 using C++. Remember to adjust the log category and verbosity level according to your requirements.