toupper c++

The toupper function in C++ is used to convert a lowercase character to its corresponding uppercase character. Here are the steps involved in using toupper in C++:

  1. Include the necessary header file: In order to use the toupper function, you need to include the <cctype> header file in your C++ program. This header file provides the declaration for the toupper function.

  2. Declare a character variable: Declare a variable of type char to store the character that you want to convert to uppercase.

  3. Read the character: Use an appropriate method, such as cin or an input function, to read the character from the user or from a file.

  4. Convert the character to uppercase: Use the toupper function, which takes a single argument of type int, to convert the lowercase character to uppercase. The toupper function returns the corresponding uppercase character as an int value.

  5. Store the uppercase character: Assign the return value of the toupper function to the variable that stores the character. This will replace the lowercase character with its uppercase equivalent.

  6. Display the uppercase character: Use an appropriate method, such as cout or an output function, to display the uppercase character to the user or write it to a file.

That's how you can use the toupper function in C++ to convert a lowercase character to uppercase.