c code to c++ converter

Certainly! Here's a step-by-step conversion from C to C++ code, along with explanations for each step:

Step 1: Rename File Extensions

Change the file extension from .c to .cpp to indicate that it's a C++ file.

Step 2: Include Headers

Replace C-style headers (#include <stdio.h>) with C++ headers (#include <iostream>).

Step 3: Use Namespace

Introduce the using namespace std; statement to avoid using std:: before standard library functions.

Step 4: Replace Standard I/O

Change printf and scanf to cout and cin respectively for input and output operations.

Step 5: Update Main Function

Replace int main() with int main() or int main(int argc, char *argv[]) for command-line argument handling.

Step 6: Replace malloc with new

For dynamic memory allocation, replace malloc with new and free with delete.

Step 7: Replace struct with class

Convert C struct into C++ class for encapsulation and data abstraction.

Step 8: Use C++ Standard Library

Replace custom C data structures or functions with equivalents from the C++ Standard Library, like std::vector, std::string, etc.

Step 9: Update Function Prototypes

Update function prototypes by adding default arguments, overloading, or using references.

Step 10: Use Exception Handling

Implement exception handling using try, catch, and throw for error handling.

Step 11: Utilize C++ Features

Leverage C++ features such as operator overloading, function and operator templates, namespaces, etc., to enhance code readability and performance.

By following these steps, you can effectively convert C code into C++ while utilizing the features and advantages offered by the C++ language.